Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Well, yesterday's post was just another lousy mood of the day(if you had ever bothered to read). I think too much and worry too much, I suppose. Or you can just plainly say that I'm sensitive. Oh whatever.
Went jogging with shichuan yesterday, 8 rounds round the big big park. LOL. Can die. But sweated! Hohoho. Rock on, dude! :D

Going to study later with Glynnis(: Haha. Like seriously, we've got alot of things to talk about. Hah. Andand, hope we can settle down and seriously STUDY. Prelim's just weeks away!

Ps/- just heard from the radio station that year 2009's passing too fast and then do you now think back and wonder, have you achieved your aims and what have you done, meaningfully?(sadly, for me, none. Gosh. I really need to motivate myself again) &&!! Today's PEPSI's birthday(!) Actually is their founder's day. Hahaha. Celebrate PEPSI, people! :D


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