Friday, June 26, 2009



Will be back soon after the end of prelims, maybe O level. I need to get myself away from the lappy and concentrate on my studies, not anything else.
&fret not, you'll always be in my heart, in my right and left ventricle, where the valves would prevent the backflow of blood(:

believe in yourself wendy you can do it.



&&Gek and Yansan(:

Gek's FOREVER unglam.

This little boy's from the audience and is damn cute!

See the animal?
This woman's damn zai. She can speak lots of languages!
Gek and yansan oh.
Night Safari with gek and yansan yesterday night :D
Took bus there and alighted and bought tickets and applied insect repellent. Hahah. Yansan bought it, kay. Then was just in time to watch the 2030 free animal show and we went to queue for it. Watched, and hooked our little pinkies. And it's to..(for us to know, not for you to find out) :D MUST MUST MUST, kay? Hahahaha.

Walked instead of taking the tram and ya, Gek screamed when we entered the mangrove trail, in which fruit bats are flying FREELY around us, and yes, there's a possibility that they will have skin contact with you! Though harmless, but scary. LOL. High speed flying! Hoho. Yan san's the bravest. Laughs. Went homeat about 10++ and yansan's dad came over to fetch us home. So good right? LOL. Dropped Gek off first, then me. Thanks so much! :D Reached home at 11+ and got scolded by my mum. Gahh. Whatever.
ANDAND, if you wanna tagg, you can click on the 'comments' button below the post(: TYVM.
Just havva a little faith plus a little hard work,
everything, everything would just work out fine.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

LOVE YOU, as long as you do.

Retyping out all the SS and History notes. Time to start memorising 'em, so as to have them stay in my mind. Tiring! :]
Going out again today, to celebrate Gek's birthday :D NIGHT SAFARI. Seriously, I am so going to take photos again. Hahah, Yansan and Gek, tahan the flashes ah! :3

Prelims are only 31 days away.
Jess "Minus away english language and chinese, we only have 20+ days to study one subject, estimated la."
Gosh. Seriously, time's pressing and am so not gonna waste my time here any longer.
Oh, and not to forget,
The twins! :D

Knowing that I'm still constantly on your mind,

put my heart to ease. Time to get things settled and revision to start. JIAYOU, wendy.

When's the new sems. timetable coming out?

if we hold on together

Just finished studying bio and hope it goes into my head, and stays there. Rahhh. Tired alrd, off to sleeep. Good sweet dreams for me, please?

And I have a sudden craving for Mac's vanilla cone :(
Ahh, foood.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

loyalty, be there for me.

Shopping today, happy-ed :D
Bought 2 tanks and one slipper. LOL. It's so dots right. Ah whatever, nevermindd (:
Bugis street and Bugis Junction's so cool! :3 hahaha. Wide varieties of clothes and food to choose from. Hoho.
Bugis street's damn cool. Cheap cheap tees are selling everywhere! Got my stuffs at a pretty cheap price 8)
-plain black tank with a letter 'W' on it, @ $10
-blue tank with little details and laces, @ $15, with a 25% discount
-brown small polka dots slipper, @ $5
Pretty proud of the things I bought. Hahaha, though simple, but, I bought them after rounds and rounds and rounds of walking :]
Bought $100 along, spent ONLY $20+. IRONY! :B
Whereas cuitian bought damn lot. Laughs. All flowery, omg.

Influenced Glynnis to buy the slipper, and I got angry with her. LOL. With myself, actually. 'Cause I saw one lime green stripped slipper and it's soooooo nice! I wanted it, but sadly, no size for me. ZZZZ. I can't fit in size 5, but Glynnis can. So she bought it, and showed off infront of me. Gahh. Reluctantly chose the brown polka dots one and can't fit in size 8 -_- So asked, and prayed. LOLOL. But luckily, there's a size for me! You know what size? Size 10! ohmygawd. How long can my feet grow? :( Mine's double Glynnis's!!! You know how depressing and ashamed I was? D:
Whotever. The plain black tank with the 'W' infront is mine, and Glynnis bought one with a 'G' infront(G leh! omgomgomg. I kept saying please to get her buy it and wear it. hahahaha. G leh, G you know! :D Whined to Glynnis that why my name doesn't start with a G. Maybe..Germaine? Hoho :3), Eunice bought one with some cute cute cartoon in front and Jess bought one with a cartoon cute cute head infront. Hahaha. G!

So, planned alrd. Next time we go out, I will wear my 'W' tank and Glynnis will wear her 'G' tank.
'W' and 'G' walking together, and go lalalala! :P Whotever. Ignore me, cause you won't know what on earth am I talking cause it don't make sense to you, at all. But, those concerned(*hinthint), take note hah, dropping a super BIG hint on you. Bah.
Okay, enough of my 'W' and 'G' made-up story(:

Having mentioned bringing my camera out in the previous post, of course, PHOTOS :D Not here though, at my FB. I treasure my privacy! Haha. Crap. What's there to talk about privacy in the net? :/


Hang on, wendy.
Having got the latest news on you, felt as though I'd missed out so much,
on you and everything.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

can I?

End of maths hothousing


Shopping tomorrow, bringing my camera along too(: woo.

make-up and smiles hide so much these days.

How sad.

I need to study alrd.

Prelim's weeks away!



I want to run away, far enough
for you to miss me.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Hello people :D
Went to some kuku sim lim square and bought my camera. Din't manage to get NIKON, got OLYMPUS instead. Same attractiveness, huge difference in selling price. Got camera can alrd. Heck (:
Paid with my savings = heart pain :(
Whotever. CNY's coming(I know it's long way to go, just shut up)! Hahaha

1st day of maths hot housing today,
Butt pain, bone pain, eye pain. LOL. Sat for hours, butt hurts, bone hurts. Strained my eyes(sat far too behind and the teacher's handwriting's too small.), eye pain.
Serve me right :3
Was bored through out the 'lesson' and felt like sleeping. Did sums, calculations, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, indices, algebra, numbers. What 'd you expect? It's MATHS hot housing, my dear. Other than numbers, it's still numbers. Okay, plus a few common alphabets like, x, y, a, b, c.
Was given white card and was supposed to raise the card if there's any doubt. But, I din't. Lazy la :B Went to draw on it :XX Wrote 'RETARDATION MODE' and laughed at it. Too much maths! :( Was counting down all the time, and was laughed at by alan tan (inserts kuku face).

Oh, and not to forget, thanks to Shichuan for treating me and Glynnis food. Hahaah. Shared a bowl of 'you mian' with Glynnis and was laughing all the way. Because she's using a small bowl. Get the joke? No? Forget it.

2nd day of maths hot house tomorrow. Oh well, peservere! Go wendy, go! :D


Friday, June 19, 2009

am no maria.

Shopping with jo ytd.

Not happy, cause walked for a very long time and then nothing really caught my eye.
Tanks, shorts, flats, pumps, shirts, belts. Bought nothing of those and what I did was just to see jo spend $$ and buy things.

Went back home with just one pair of flats and one tee-dress. Not happy though. I want a shopping spree, and I mean, going home with hands full of shopping bags.
24th, and spree, here I come(:
Maybe, that's what I call emotional reliance. Am sad, over nothing actually. But am still sad. And you should understand.



Thursday, June 18, 2009


(photo credit: Khaizuran)


Rock manzxzxzx.

Damn lot of details, but lazy to type out la. LOL. Basically, yesterday's weather was the best for sun tanning 8) So, met up, went to sentosa, found a suitable spot(finally) and then, the long-awaited thing - sun tanning oil. WOO! Wanling took the lead and god, it's damn oily and smells like banana. LAUGHS. Applied some, Wanling applied alot, and the guys applied damn damn lot. So much that thier body shines. :B

Went playing in the water and had refused to go down because of one fish. Damn disgusting, so I refused to. But eunice dragged me in and then loved the water. hahaha. played monkey, volley and random random stuffs.

&&am tanned! :D
Oh and not to forget, thanks to zuran for taking photos yea? :D
and eunice for organising this outing :D


Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Well, yesterday's post was just another lousy mood of the day(if you had ever bothered to read). I think too much and worry too much, I suppose. Or you can just plainly say that I'm sensitive. Oh whatever.
Went jogging with shichuan yesterday, 8 rounds round the big big park. LOL. Can die. But sweated! Hohoho. Rock on, dude! :D

Going to study later with Glynnis(: Haha. Like seriously, we've got alot of things to talk about. Hah. Andand, hope we can settle down and seriously STUDY. Prelim's just weeks away!

Ps/- just heard from the radio station that year 2009's passing too fast and then do you now think back and wonder, have you achieved your aims and what have you done, meaningfully?(sadly, for me, none. Gosh. I really need to motivate myself again) &&!! Today's PEPSI's birthday(!) Actually is their founder's day. Hahaha. Celebrate PEPSI, people! :D


Monday, June 15, 2009


I Felt So Disappointed With Your Nonchalant Attitude.
(yes, you can say that I'm unreasonable)
Whotever. I shan't give a damn anymore. Maybe shall hide it in the bottomest of my heart and leave for it to decay and provide nutrients for my heart. But ya' know, and I know, this thing isn't going to be easy. Help me along, friends(:


Sunday, June 14, 2009

happary burd-dayy

How true can this get?
Hi readers and friends, am back(: Just came back home after a 'super-big mission'. Shush. It's meant to be a secret kay :B Hahhaha. Andand, I ate 2 pratas for breakfast and am damn x123456 full now. Feel like vomiting ah :( &&am also down with flu and can't stop sneezing. Great. Tissues in my bin is piling up and hoho, time to replace the 'already-full' plastic bag :S But, why am I telling you guys this? Crap. Okay, you can ignore the wordy and lengthy and meaningless crappy words above :D
Feeling high today, don't know why :D Went to Courts yesterday and saw THE camera 8) It's on bleedin' offer! I want to get it, but ya' know, my MUM. The best one on Earth says NO. So no, for wendy :'( It's so damn bloody cheap!! [okay, for me.] ..But, it's Nikon D40 leh, it's of course inevitably costly right. (inserts kuku face) Oh whatever. It's not mine for now, but it would be mine on the 21st(: WOOHOO.
Had a dream last night. When I woke up, and think about the dream, can't help but laugh and shake my head at it's increditability(?). Care to listen? Here I go!
-was waiting for my O level results
-results came and I tore the envelope and realised I flunked my english and maths
-Cried, then some person came over(Idk who the hell he is. Looked like some lawyer :3) and took the result slip from me
-asked for my name and I told him
-then he said that the result is not mine
-that means I tore and read the wrong result slip!
OMG. Kuku right? Lousy dream la. Return me my part II :8) I want my part II lahhh..hahaha.
Kay am crazy. Time to check my wardrobe and see, what I need to buy on 24th and come up with a shopping list, within MY budget. Which is confirm <$50 la. I broke alrdddddd :'(
Yes, I need money.

Friday, June 12, 2009

bring me back on Earth


Looking forward to:
1) 20th (buying my cameraaaaaa!!!)
2)24th (shopping with cuitian, jess, eunice and glynnis!!!!)


Am going to study alrd! Not to the extent of mugging, but will be studying at times to make sure I don't disappoint myself. HOHO.

Bye peeps, and take care!


Thursday, June 11, 2009

believe in me.

Went to Glynnis's house after the maths thing. Played Monopoly, Game of life and Twister. 8)

This is my car! Twins and daughter. hoho. and am the first one to retire! :D

ShiChuan ah ShiChuan. LOL. He's laughing at the joke we made.
And in error, he drank my vitasoy -_-
JOKER ah, seriously.

Fun day out(: someday, we'll have this level of fun right? No, it should be more extreme than this! :D 'Ponned' English lesson today! LOL. Cause he din't call me, asking me to go back. Therefore, am here blogging and then they are there studying. :B

Just let our friendship endure the rough patches of time, and I believe, our friendship will grow after the 'torture' and of course, ourselves(: Till I bought my camera, I'll stead you out(and rainbowgroup) and have all the time to ourselves and cam-whore and get crazy and taste those sweet memories back :D &&am looking forward to that day(: Stay positive and happy, cause when you're sad, am feeling it too. Cheer up, my bestest friend forever. And I really mean, FOREVER.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

somewhere over the rainbow

How sad, if there comes a day, I can't regonise who you are, and how important you were to me, and how, how would I live? You are part of me, part of my joys and sorrows and maybe, anger. But now, when I sit, reminsing about the past, I seemed to forget all the lovely memories we had. I tried hard, very hard to catch back those happy memories, and tried even harder, to know you more. Or even to get back the old familiar stare we gave each other in the past. Where has all these gone to? Blue skies, white clouds, tall trees, green grasses. All hadn't changed abit. But what about us? Everything changed. And the only hope of me hanging on to this precious friendship is my undying faith. How I wish that you would forgive all my shortcomings and treat me as how you would, months ago. Things are changing so fast and yes, I hadn't had enough time to realise what's happening, not to mention having the strength and ability to change the facts. I hate this kay, like seriously, how I wish the world would be only of me and you, and we'll can have all the time to ourselves, taking the world in our stride, and embracing every moment of our lost friendship. Maybe, I had made a wrong move by telling you how I felt towards your friends and even, asking you to neglect them, causing you so much trouble and sorrows and unhappiness. But, I thought everything was because of them and mine. We both led our own life, and there's one day that we realised that, hey, I'm missing her. Yes, I feel this you, friend? However hard the road to repairing our friendship would be, however tiring it would cause us both, I know, you and me, both, would never give up the years of..BFF we had, right?

And I'm waiting, waiting patiently for the day, when we can have everything to ourselves. I hope life will treat you kind And I hope you'll have all you've dreamed of. and I wish you joy and happiness. But above all this, I wish you love. BFF, my beloved.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

stir-fry you and sizzle 'em in my brain.

Am getting it kay? Definate. Woohoo. :)
Am getting crazier as days goes by. Hoho. At school, saw Glynnis, and started crapping with her. About her and __ and me and __ and __ and __. Kaypoh kaypoh ah. I don't want tell you leh :D
Fantasies and fantasise and fantasy(: Dream, dreams, dreaming. Wish, wishes, wished. How I wish all would come true! :( Ya, when it's back to reality, I can't help but laugh at how silly am I to think THAT far. Stupid wendy.
Been drifting in and out of reality and fantasy recently and it's getting so real and often that sometimes I wonder, who am I, what am I, where should I be, what should I really be doing. Gahh. Stupid stupid stupid. Saying 'Iloveyou' to my beloved(s) but hey, did I say it to you? Despo, mad, naive. Cause it'll never happen right? shush, wendy. Stop being a baby.
'Dreams are dreams, which will never come true'
But...if we wish hard enough, and pray sincerly enough, dreams..will come true, right? Say yes, cause I hate the truth. However, truth is always the thing that keeps you alive and fighting.
Someday, soon enough, I'll turn this particular special dream+wish of mine to reality. Just you wait and see. 'Cause, I'll fight for what I believe is mine and not yours. Not yours, bitch. Back off.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

nah nah nah, a little longer.

HAPPy and saTISfied :D

Fundfair(funfair) was finally over yesterday! WOOSH! No photos ah, sorry. Was busy acting as animal and scaring people and wipping sweat and running around the school in search of graduated seniors and running around the maze and entertaining myself and Glynnis and finally, busy hugging people whom needed comfort. :D Busy yet fullfilling. But when it comes to the end of the fundfair, WOO!
Then all rush into the classroom and 'whack', tore, kicked the partitions and tables down. WasCRAZY :B Playing like MAD until we heard alan tan shouting. [I can't make out what on Earth was he saying -_-] Then stop lor. TSK. Went to 'tear down' the dividers and fork, I scraped my leg -_- One 2cm scar across my leg, situated directly under my very obvious mole -_- How nice!

Was actually a small cut but being me, I made a big fuss about it(: hahah. I screamed here and there, and ended up having alan tan carry the million ton dividers for me. HOHOHO. I won :D

saw damn lot of graduated seniors, let me think, who did I saw?
waved to only yuansheng, though. hahaha. LOSER.

Hugged Glynnis, Eunice yesterday(: Love them ah. Both super shagg. GAH. Nevermind, got me! :DD
Secrets secrets secrets, gossips gossips gossips(:
What a lovely day, isn't it?


Thursday, June 4, 2009

what's enough IS enough.

Funfair is almost coming and I can smell the _____ air of it. ANIMAL, am I. :D Love the job! But due to some _____ things, the job is no longer as exciting as it seems alrd. And yes, am damn angry and frustrated and disappointed with it. Because, it has longgggggggg defitted the joy and excitment of the job :(
Oh whatever. Tomorrow's just the touch-ups and TADA! done(:
&&not forgetting, this is for my dearest Izra:
I LOVE YOU TOO, kay? :D I did NOT look at you as though I hated you la. TSK. Is you everytime stare stare me right? TSKTSKTSK. Well, since it's this
way, we SHOULD AND MUST catch up REAL SOON. Because am missing you so much alrd
la. At the rate this is going, I think I can die alrd!!! :B
Nah, here's a flying kiss to you.
Catch it, my dearest lover!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


So near yet so far, how is life going on for you, my dear friend?
Seeing each other everyday but yet no more topics to talk about. Do you know how sad and depressing and disappointing it feels? I think you do. Whatever happened between us? I don't know, but I want to know.
Gosh. I think everything will change for the better when time and studies arn't so tight..right?
I SERIOUSLY MISS YOU VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY MUCH. As much as the kite misses its string.

wo shi superman, ni shi loser~!

Take it or leave it.

What was believed to be true now turned into a well-madeup fairytale. How Great.

Give up alrd la
Give up alrd la
Give up alrd la
Bitch and fallen superman.

Tried veryveryvery hard to cry in class today but haiii, CAN'T. What is this la? want to cry cannot cry, don't want cry ending up crying like crazy. What's wrong with the world..? it me?
I. L.O.V.E. G.L.Y.N.N.I.S. :D
Because she lent me her phone and allowed me to take random photos with her camera!!! *screams* ROCK LA KAY!? Cause my hadphone no batt alrd :P
"I spam your memory ah"
"spam la! I got 1GB memory leh"
*Shows teeth and raises eyebrow*
"you want take la, go use go use"
"nevermind one mah."
"you say one ah. THANKS!!!"

and I went arnd snapping photos of ALMOST everything and anything :D
Going to take the photos from her tomorrow!!! Don't delete hor!
Ohohoh, got JOKE[inside joke la]
"Hi. Who are you."
*hit table and laugh*
[kay I can see you go 'huh' alrd. Tell you inside joke alrd right? TSK.]

Knee hurts like maddddddddddddddddddddddd. Save me :(

[I think I've been giving away way tooooooooooo much love to my readers alrd. That's why am deprived of it. Tsk. Kay, love no more. AWWWWWW..too bad!]