Monday, August 3, 2009

It's gonna have to hurt.

Told you I'll be back :D

Went to school late today, skipped AM paper. I dint even study for that! OMG LAZINESS. Tomorrow's another rest day for me, before slack papers like bio and chem PAPER 1. LOLOL. But still need to study right? :3
Prelims were okay, except that we all thought it SHOULD be harder. Chem paper 2 is ____. Those bang on organic chem ones sure pass. Is like 70% of the paper is organic chem lor. Suck like what. Of course, I dint bang on organic chem, and that's a very very very bad thing -- high chance of failing my chem(again). (inserts kuku face)
Whatever, practice practice practice! Needa work super uber damn hard for my O's alrd. Cause I know my prelims results sure CMI :B
I DID STUDY! But ya, you know, due to unforeseen circumstances, what I studied dint come out and it worked the other way round. Suay or what? :(

Steamboat @ crystal's this friday + MAJONG. Hoho.
School's celebrating National Day + Racial Harmony on that day. Maybe I should just turn up (: If not, my attendance for the week would be bad. And I would get harassed by the GO :C


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