Sunday, August 23, 2009


Be unafraid to show your vulnerability,
Just remember to always learn from it.

O levels coming in prox. 2mths and 1week. Started my revision alrd, and hoping that my hard work pays off, from L1R4 - 31 to L1R4<15. HAHA. Dont ask me if I can achieve it not. I laugh at it, sometimes. Retaking Chinese after a long decision, and realized that I dint regret it. Finally, a decision that I believe in(: PRAY! A2 to A1. LOL.

Sometimes I just hope that we can fast-forward to post-O levels days. Oh My, shopping and photo-taking and little trips had never been so enticing :(
Things I want to do after O levels:
1. Shop for Prom
2. Sleepovers at friend's
3. Little outing just between Uo6 girls
4. Sun tanning @ beach
5. Take up some sports (tennis or squash? :D)
6. Shopping spreeeeeeeeeeee
7. Maybe learn some instruments
8. Photo taking with every of my friends!
9. Class chalet
10. Genting(w clique)
11. Overseas :(
12. Get a job that seriously PAYS
13. LOSE FATS(!!!)
14. Burn my books! (hahahahaha okay just joking)
So far that's all I can think of. Oh,
15. Make reading a hobby
hahaha seriously I want O levels to pass. But yet I'm not fully prepared for the last battle. What to do? Face it straight. HAHA LOSER :/
Screwed O level english oral, screwed O level chinese, screwed science SPA, screwed everything. Why is it that everywhere I go, disaster follows? Sighxzxzxzzxz.

Yes, I know, sometimes I just have too much to say.
Bye, people


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