Sunday, August 30, 2009


Sometimes you just look back and laugh at your silliness. and that was I did. Read my diary once again, realized how naive I was, to cry for you and to celebrate your achievements. But you never did what I did. YES I KNOW I'M IRRITATING. But for what? Think. Get your hint from here "If it dint matter, I won't spend my time thinking about it." See how important are you?
Hate this feeling
Hate being me
Hate being wendy tang hui tze.
Suck being me.

Miss, missing, missed you.
Should I just rip you off my heart?
Maybe yes, cause it'll spare me the torture.

50+ more days to O's, no time to entertain such thoughts.
Jia you, wendy!
I CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!


Hope this motivation lasts.


big time loser

screwed teacher's day card totally.
suck or what?



Friday, August 28, 2009

Y=mX+c where X, m, c = 0 and Y = yours truely.

1. Headache + flu = never go school
2. mdm mok had chickenpox, replaced by mr shamugunm(?)
3. mdm aishah pregnant, mr arul came, 2 teachers for one subject
4. miss wendy keep coming into our class when mr ng's not here. hate her.
5. humanities badly done, 2hrs with Potassium Hydroxide
6. potato scolded us, found him eccentric.
7. chinese lesson disrupted by a group of girls that can't stop laughing irritatingly >:(
8. happy teacher's day celebration on mon, we got AEP ==
9. loner these few days
10. frequent bad hair days
11. pocket money can't be saved anymore, spent too much.
12. miss primary school clique
13. miss primary school teachers
14. miss primary school canteen's food
15. miss primary school's toilet
16. became shorter by 1cm, grew fatter by 3KG :((
17. eye infection at side of eye, hurts damn lot when blinked ==
18. no self-discipline these few days
19. strong cravings for dark choc and ice-cream
20. no life. (school, lessons, recess, lessons, break, AEP, home, studies, sleep)Xabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz



Sunday, August 23, 2009


Be unafraid to show your vulnerability,
Just remember to always learn from it.

O levels coming in prox. 2mths and 1week. Started my revision alrd, and hoping that my hard work pays off, from L1R4 - 31 to L1R4<15. HAHA. Dont ask me if I can achieve it not. I laugh at it, sometimes. Retaking Chinese after a long decision, and realized that I dint regret it. Finally, a decision that I believe in(: PRAY! A2 to A1. LOL.

Sometimes I just hope that we can fast-forward to post-O levels days. Oh My, shopping and photo-taking and little trips had never been so enticing :(
Things I want to do after O levels:
1. Shop for Prom
2. Sleepovers at friend's
3. Little outing just between Uo6 girls
4. Sun tanning @ beach
5. Take up some sports (tennis or squash? :D)
6. Shopping spreeeeeeeeeeee
7. Maybe learn some instruments
8. Photo taking with every of my friends!
9. Class chalet
10. Genting(w clique)
11. Overseas :(
12. Get a job that seriously PAYS
13. LOSE FATS(!!!)
14. Burn my books! (hahahahaha okay just joking)
So far that's all I can think of. Oh,
15. Make reading a hobby
hahaha seriously I want O levels to pass. But yet I'm not fully prepared for the last battle. What to do? Face it straight. HAHA LOSER :/
Screwed O level english oral, screwed O level chinese, screwed science SPA, screwed everything. Why is it that everywhere I go, disaster follows? Sighxzxzxzzxz.

Yes, I know, sometimes I just have too much to say.
Bye, people


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Cause I'm only human.

At one moment when we were counting down to 2009
and here I am standing at the ending of the year
wondering what have I achieve till date?

Every thing's just lumped on me.
guess it's cause I am in the stage of getting used to everything
wanted to find a confidant
but couldn't name exactly who could really 100% understand how I felt,
in a situation and position as such,
everything will be over soon, I hope.

But have I slowly faded away from all of your lives?
there was no continuation of the memories of us
even in our daily lives
perhaps we have slowly learnt to forget

my true joy
where have you been
stop hiding
for I am sick of this never ending search game
if you all have forgotten me,
at least I hope I was present in one of your best memory.
I miss my friends
and everyone that had once existed in my life.

I miss you, especially lot.
Gone and felt that half of me was missing
I dint know it could have such huge impact on me
and my life
Love kills,
yet it entices you to be back for more.

No, I'm not emo
So stop poking your nose into my matters
and stop asking me
what's going on.

I'm just tired.

I hate living up to expectations,
especially so if the person who expects me to be understanding doesn't put him/her in my shoes.
It's exasperating
you know?
To be giving in all the time
and not getting anything in return.
And if I refuse,
people will start blabbering on how much I've changed
and how rude I've become.

I have had enough
and I just want to live my life,
peacefully, free of nosy parkers.
Fuck off,
seriously, just fuck off.

Yes, I'm whiny
and you may think that why is this idiotic girl complaining over such tiny matters.
Put yourself in my shoes, bastard.



O Level Mother Tongue Results Coming Out Next Wednesday And O Level English Oral On Next Thursday. Preliminary Results On Next Monday And Tuesday.


Thursday, August 13, 2009


Got results back and things just aint up to my expectations. I can't even pass my SS! What more can I do? I gave my 100% effort in this prelims and this is what I get. So, the fault lies with me. Studying late into the night, doing notes, memorising stuffs after stuffs proved to be a faliure, deep deep faliure.
Oh my GOD. The Big O's just 2mnths2weeks left, proximately 60++ days. And still am failing subjects. Dropped Amaths which meant that I need to get really really good results for the remaining ones and I wonder, if I'm up to that standard.

But my friend told me that,(ready for the long long councelling? All right, here we go..)
"prelims ain't everything. You may get good grades at prelims but that doesn't necessary secure your 6 A1s during The big test. Just know that you've given your 100% effort this time round and you hadn't felt guilty about it. The prelims's test drive on your effort put in. Results arn't going to pull you down right? Cause you know you have that final chance, that final finishing line waiting for you to dash across it, with flying colours. Since you know that given your 100% effort wasn't enough to reach your goals, then put in your 200% effort this time round. Suffer for the remaining months, remaining hours, mins and seconds. Because you know you're going to do it, and you can do it. Remember, you don't want to feel uncertain after the papers. You just want to feel confident. To feel confident, study and revise. One final dash is all you need. Don't think of giving up when it gets tough. Just know, you're doing this for yourself, not any one else(but me!). The ball is in your hands and it's up to you how you want to play it. Do it good or bad, you've yourself(well, maybe me.) to answer to. Go on Wendy, you can do it. Don't feel discouraged(:"
Lengthy? Yes. Imagine yourself in my shoes. Sitting infront of the laptop and he throws you this lengthy post, on MSN. How crazy can this be? Hahah. The words in brackets are what he said, so please don't think that I have split personality. Haha.
Lengthy it may be, but it kind of motivated me, to put in my 200% effort(:
Oh and to share more 'quotes' from him to you:
"Just study, any doubts, ask. The teachers are there for you."
"Don't think of giving up. You've studied all these subjects for almost 2 years and now you're going to tell me you're giving up? Then you'll be the stupidest person in the world."

Good motivator, isn't he? Haha. So ya, if you are also feeling discouraged and dissatisfied like me, hope this lenghty speech motivates you, like how it motivated me(:

JIA YOU!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hopes Dashed, Dreams Broken.

This hurts so much, for me to try so hard and you being nonchalant about it. I'm trying very very hard and I prayed so hard but nothing, just nothing came out of it and it's so so depressing. It made me believe that nothing's gonna work out for us and nothing's gonna bring us back. This sucks, really. Hopes dashed and..and..nothing, nothing can be used to describe my feelings. It's as though everything has been snatched off me and I feel ripped apart. It hurts, do you understand? And I just couldn't take my eyes off you. I miss you, do you?


But on a lighter note, I got A2 for my CCA! This is what I call a miracle, because I dint know that my teacher's so generous.


Saturday, August 8, 2009


Steamboat and mahjong @ crystal's house was FUNNNNNNNNN.
Some others watch 'see no evil' and screamed damn loudly. HAHA.
Oh, not forgetting the cutting of cake for Geo's birthday! :D

I can't possibly tell you the details but you know, it's so damn fun :D


Friday, August 7, 2009


Just came back from school and believe it, I became a photographer for one day! ohmygod. hahaha everything is fun except for the weather, damn hot sia! omg. Perspired like nobody's business == Being a Camera man isn't an easy job! Whipped out camera and start snapping arnd, unknowingly, took about 150 photos. LOOL. Finally finished and went up to the hall and continued my job. heh. SEC 3S PERFORMANCES WERE SO OH-MY-GOD NICE! So so so much better than ours :/ Damn entertaining lah oh my god.
Couldn't stand the heat in the hall and went up to the third floor. Saw putri and firdiana and went over to chat with them(: Firdiana took my camera and went to try it out. LOL. Then need to rush back home to bathe. I SWEATED DAMN LOT >:
Finally saw my NPCC juniors omg, LIEW JIA HAO GREW SO TALL! :O siao siao. Realized my juniors were damn cute. LOL ESPECIALLY JIA HAO. Did parade 3 times alrd still say scared. TSK. (haha okay lah i also. LOOL)

Homed and going out later :D
To crystal's house!
Should I bring my laptop or my camera? OMG.


&&why is everyone so surprised that I became a photographer? especially Tan jia wei, said i look funny when taking photos. REAllY?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Available And Unavailable.

Tomorrow's the last paper and I've got nowhere to go! Gay-shit :(
Everyone's occupied and busy. How depressing! :(

omg. I can't stand rotting at home, after prelims. sadsad!
please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please bring me out, along with you :D

Walked from yew tee back home with shi chuan and realized it dint take me 1/2 hour. Laughs. We took about 18 mins! wow-wow. Maybe walking to school tomorrow. HAHAHA. By public transport i need 1/2 hr, but if i go by feet, i think at most about 25 mins? Can lose weight also. Omg kill two birds with one stone :D But I will sweat alot and I will feel frustrated. LOOL.
Never mind, I always feel better after sweating. WERIDO :3

Taking photos for school on friday(if approved) and it'll be the first time! Jeshua, do guide me along. Haha. I think I'm so influenced by Jeshua on snapping photos :B Can you believe I'm doing this for the school of mine? I can't believe myself too! :O


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Time Heals The Wounds That You Feel.



Yes I've changed. But so do you.
I really really really feel like giving up but my conscience says no.

Monday, August 3, 2009

It's gonna have to hurt.

Told you I'll be back :D

Went to school late today, skipped AM paper. I dint even study for that! OMG LAZINESS. Tomorrow's another rest day for me, before slack papers like bio and chem PAPER 1. LOLOL. But still need to study right? :3
Prelims were okay, except that we all thought it SHOULD be harder. Chem paper 2 is ____. Those bang on organic chem ones sure pass. Is like 70% of the paper is organic chem lor. Suck like what. Of course, I dint bang on organic chem, and that's a very very very bad thing -- high chance of failing my chem(again). (inserts kuku face)
Whatever, practice practice practice! Needa work super uber damn hard for my O's alrd. Cause I know my prelims results sure CMI :B
I DID STUDY! But ya, you know, due to unforeseen circumstances, what I studied dint come out and it worked the other way round. Suay or what? :(

Steamboat @ crystal's this friday + MAJONG. Hoho.
School's celebrating National Day + Racial Harmony on that day. Maybe I should just turn up (: If not, my attendance for the week would be bad. And I would get harassed by the GO :C