Saturday, May 2, 2009

Thw waterfall sunshine.

Had steamboat today((:
Yum. Although I ate only the veggies - cabbage, some veggie, mushrooms :D

So, early morning, 11am met Boyu at CCK mrt station and MRT-ed to City Hall. Talked all the way and couldn't help laughing my head off. He damn entertaining la! OMG. Saw a little ang moh girl and oh-my-God! She's super uber cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She kept looking at me sehh. Hahahahaha. I got toddlers attracted to me! :D Her eyes was like brownish, with blonde hair. Oh-my-God. Love her la 8D [Yes yes, I'm crazy over little kids who look so cute.]
Then reached City Hall, went out and immediately saw Lover and Jing Xian :D They looked so miserable with the half full bag they had :P So accompanied with them to return the donation bag, then saw alot of unitians. Hahaha. I dint know 4/4 was also doing it. Then we walked to Marina Bay and ate! [photos later okay?]

We ordered 4 hotpots and to try different tastes, we ordered chicken and seafood. For the soup base, we ordered kimchi, fish broth, chicken broth and Tom Yum. I took kimchi, Boyu took fish broth, Jing Xian took chicken broth and lover took Tom Yum. We left out Herbal because we thought that it would taste weird. Food came. I was like "oh shit." when I saw the uncooked stuffs. I jitao want to vomit sehh. The chicken. Oh my God!!!!!! It's so damn raw and it stinks. *pukes* So I gave that wtf face to Boyu and then he volunteered to eat the chicken. Wahh heng seh. If not I think I sure vomit alrd. So I ate all his veggies and he ate all my chicken. Thanks!! :D

We spent a total of 1hr++ to finish everything and laughed all the way. Kimchi soup base was omg damn spicy. Not nice. Tom Yum was actually nice. But the more you drink, the more salty it becomes. I dint drink any of the soup bases as I alrd very full :S
So left, walked arnd and then went to someplace to take neoprints[photos later also.]. LAUGHS. So long never take alrd lor. So weird :B
After taking, went Mac and ate MacFlurry and gossiped :3 Talked about our future, what will become of us when we grow up and blah. Made a pact between the 4 of us that will stand-up :D secret secret. *winks*

Then after that took 190 back to CCK. Otw back, saw some super unpleasent scene and felt disgusted.[read more? Visit my livejournal] Then bus-ed back, reached CCK and went Lot1 to take away KFC. Saw my old-long-lost friend and tried to get his attention but failed. Whatever :B
Then bus-ed back home, with Jing Xian and lover accompanying me :D Thank youuuuuuuuuu :DD

Had a super enjoyable day. Thank you guys :D

The reciept!
One of the many neoprints.

2nd one,

I think this is the best(:
Btw I looked like some ghost in it. so damn white D:
Jap money

Singapore flyer! [okay I know, suaku :P]

Neh, the chicken. OMG la, see liao also want vomit D:

The 4 hotpots (:

Look at the meat. Oh my gawdddddddddddd :X

That's Boyu's seafood.


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