Monday, May 4, 2009

Bitter-sweet sodium chloride

Hello people :D
Swine flu is attacking and wiping the people of Earth out one by one :B Gosh. HYGIENE!! Went to chool this morning and got shocked. LAUGHS. Teachers were standing at the corridoor and were all wearing masks O.o made me scared sia. OMG.

Then went to class and blah blah blah. Shi chuan was emo the whole day and nothing made him smile manzxzx. Come on, CHEERUP, SHI CHUAN :D [although I know you are not able to see this but heck, I cared(:]
Chinese was practically laughing away - at people's past years photos :D weijie was superrrrrrrr fat! OMG. But damn, he slimmed down alot alot alot. GAhh. Chinese result was ___. Dint expect to do well in this anyway :3

Currently in NYP's website and Woo! I love there 8)


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