Sunday, May 31, 2009


hand hurts like mad after hours of badminton and hiong badminton with eunice :O
but fun fun fun ah(:
I want my A1 so I will jiayouuuuu(:
&&,I want a camera so badly.

am amazed at Maran's work or drawing and colouring. Oh gosh.
Cried a little in class on Friday, because someone BLACKMAILED me with some horrible past I had. Cried a little, laughed a lot. Something's very very wrong with me. Finally experienced the feeling of crying and laughing at the same time and it seems all so wrong. I swear I only cried a little. Roughly about...20-30 drops of tears? haha. NOOB. But it's all because of you? God damn it. This is crazy, absolutely crazy. This isn't right, because it seems wrong, from the start. This is shit. Bullshit.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

let it be anything you wished for.

Eye contacts, conversations, silent golden moments. How sweet can it get?

but that symbolises the quickened arrival of chinese O's . My aim, my hope, my dream. I need to get THAT A1. Suppressed.

Did you ever felt somewhat empty even though the person you wanted to see is standing directly in front of you? The feeling of being so near but so far is getting so real to me that is scares me.
Scarred and pathetic, am I.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009


played some game with crystal wanling shichuan eunice glynnis and jiahui just now.
super fun! :DD
one more day to the end of hothousing ,
4 more days to chinese O's,
10 more days to funfair!
I realised I love counting down to days I anticipate.

Monday, May 25, 2009

jiayou jiayou jiayou!


First day was shit. paper 1 before recess, paper 2 after recess. and this will continue for 4 days! OH BOYYYYYY.

Catholic's today,

Cedar's tomorrow.

HOHOHOHOHE. Get ready to face grim reaper.


060609, wait for me kay! :D

I can't wait for this day ah. Yah, siao alrd. I love being busy, cause it makes me feel fullfiling 8D

010609 & 060609, 等等我!!!!



Friday, May 22, 2009

kinder joy joy joy!

See? our table. so messy, full of books(:

Bushy bushy leaves behind class. Forest! 8)

vanessa's toy. Am obsessed with it. Gahh.

See vanessa! haha.the pen has those smiley face that would pop out. Cute!

vanessa and wanling. hah. That's Jeshua's camera(:

night class night class night class((:
won't be updating that often now, cause of Hot housing and O level chi and prelims.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

little fish swimming in the deep blue ocean.

captian's ball for PE, practice paper for chinese, slacked through maths, heredity for AEP.
mac for breakfast, bee hoon for recess, subway cookies for lunch.

Studies = tired
slack = tired
stone = tired
night class = tired
Enough of whining and _____.

Life at school's still so routined. Getting bored alrd. NEW TIMETABLE! faster come leh :B
O level MT coming in about 1week+ time? Oh boy, JIAYOU people(:


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

fill my heart with love from the missing part of you.

JANG! eunice & glynnis & cuitian & jesslyn rock!!! :DD

mother's day cake! :D

me, glynnis, eunice, jesslyn, cuitian(:

Jesslyn act tall huh? Tsk.

Cuitian;s bangalah,
mine's international.
*inside joke*

Saturday, May 9, 2009

For everything you did, it was buried in my heart.

And finally, it's the end of the week today(:
God bless. Have had a hectic + chaotic + emo-ic week. Days are getting crazy. There are days where I got emo, days where I got super high. Crazy-ness. Gahh.

However hectic days are, it's all over. But the cycle will return after the 3 days long break and ahhah, time to mug for chinese Os. Be it hectic-ness or busy-ness, I enjoyed myself. Be it emo-ness or happiness, I wouldn't mind sinking into it over and over again. Hectic but fulfilling, perfect(:

Oh, time to share a joke to put a smile on your faces okay?
[mdm mok was passing some atom model around the class]
[passed till jiahui and sarah there, jiahui started playing with it]
mdm mok "Eh jiahui, stop playing okay! the model is for you all to see and find the carbon atoms! Not for you to play and go KLACK KLACK KLACK!!!"

Gah gah gah. & I started laughing like some crazy woman for nearly one full period. Glynnis, weijie, vanessa and Haziq thought I was mad. Like seriously, I couldn't stop.
You should've seen her expression when she says that. Jitao laugh sehh :D
mdm mok ah, mdm mok

Mother's Day tomorrow, enjoy yourself people((:


Monday, May 4, 2009

Bitter-sweet sodium chloride

Hello people :D
Swine flu is attacking and wiping the people of Earth out one by one :B Gosh. HYGIENE!! Went to chool this morning and got shocked. LAUGHS. Teachers were standing at the corridoor and were all wearing masks O.o made me scared sia. OMG.

Then went to class and blah blah blah. Shi chuan was emo the whole day and nothing made him smile manzxzx. Come on, CHEERUP, SHI CHUAN :D [although I know you are not able to see this but heck, I cared(:]
Chinese was practically laughing away - at people's past years photos :D weijie was superrrrrrrr fat! OMG. But damn, he slimmed down alot alot alot. GAhh. Chinese result was ___. Dint expect to do well in this anyway :3

Currently in NYP's website and Woo! I love there 8)


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Thw waterfall sunshine.

Had steamboat today((:
Yum. Although I ate only the veggies - cabbage, some veggie, mushrooms :D

So, early morning, 11am met Boyu at CCK mrt station and MRT-ed to City Hall. Talked all the way and couldn't help laughing my head off. He damn entertaining la! OMG. Saw a little ang moh girl and oh-my-God! She's super uber cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She kept looking at me sehh. Hahahahaha. I got toddlers attracted to me! :D Her eyes was like brownish, with blonde hair. Oh-my-God. Love her la 8D [Yes yes, I'm crazy over little kids who look so cute.]
Then reached City Hall, went out and immediately saw Lover and Jing Xian :D They looked so miserable with the half full bag they had :P So accompanied with them to return the donation bag, then saw alot of unitians. Hahaha. I dint know 4/4 was also doing it. Then we walked to Marina Bay and ate! [photos later okay?]

We ordered 4 hotpots and to try different tastes, we ordered chicken and seafood. For the soup base, we ordered kimchi, fish broth, chicken broth and Tom Yum. I took kimchi, Boyu took fish broth, Jing Xian took chicken broth and lover took Tom Yum. We left out Herbal because we thought that it would taste weird. Food came. I was like "oh shit." when I saw the uncooked stuffs. I jitao want to vomit sehh. The chicken. Oh my God!!!!!! It's so damn raw and it stinks. *pukes* So I gave that wtf face to Boyu and then he volunteered to eat the chicken. Wahh heng seh. If not I think I sure vomit alrd. So I ate all his veggies and he ate all my chicken. Thanks!! :D

We spent a total of 1hr++ to finish everything and laughed all the way. Kimchi soup base was omg damn spicy. Not nice. Tom Yum was actually nice. But the more you drink, the more salty it becomes. I dint drink any of the soup bases as I alrd very full :S
So left, walked arnd and then went to someplace to take neoprints[photos later also.]. LAUGHS. So long never take alrd lor. So weird :B
After taking, went Mac and ate MacFlurry and gossiped :3 Talked about our future, what will become of us when we grow up and blah. Made a pact between the 4 of us that will stand-up :D secret secret. *winks*

Then after that took 190 back to CCK. Otw back, saw some super unpleasent scene and felt disgusted.[read more? Visit my livejournal] Then bus-ed back, reached CCK and went Lot1 to take away KFC. Saw my old-long-lost friend and tried to get his attention but failed. Whatever :B
Then bus-ed back home, with Jing Xian and lover accompanying me :D Thank youuuuuuuuuu :DD

Had a super enjoyable day. Thank you guys :D

The reciept!
One of the many neoprints.

2nd one,

I think this is the best(:
Btw I looked like some ghost in it. so damn white D:
Jap money

Singapore flyer! [okay I know, suaku :P]

Neh, the chicken. OMG la, see liao also want vomit D:

The 4 hotpots (:

Look at the meat. Oh my gawdddddddddddd :X

That's Boyu's seafood.


Friday, May 1, 2009

forget denial, stay in reality.







Date with lover(ah gek oh) and jingxian and boyu tomorrow(: Makan steamboat! :D

PS/no meat for me okay? I am a vegetarian :P

Lover! Faster send me the details lehh. I cant wait!


I want to have heart to heart talk with lover! So long never see each other alrd. Same school somemore. Plus plus hadn't had some really longgggggggggggg talk for nearly one month! :O Gahh. What is this?

Lover called me yesterday and talked about everything and anything. From studies to stress to marriage to doom's day to giving birth and of course, gossips! Had to hang up because I had to cook dinner :( Sorry aaye.

PS/Lover is the new name for Gek-neh(:



It was the faith that made me believe everything.