Monday, November 9, 2009

{o9 InstantMee}

Just finished my breakfast -kimchi flavoured maggi mee + one egg + one cup of soya bean!
YUMzx. BUT will grow fat right? :/

Okay so, I've like finally drew up a post-olevels playtime plan and TADAH! going to show you guys! :D
(Well, if you are really interested. I don't force people!)
(Not in order lah, though the first few are like confirmed.)

1. 13th, shopping with POH for prom
2. 16th, playhouse!
3. 17th 18th 19th RedCamp - SPARTAN!
4. 20th Prom @ (i still don't know where is it!)
5. JB, date to be confirmed.
6. Cutting of fringe, rebonding(maybe) of hair
7. Spree for stuffs (like those tees, shorts, eyeliner etcetcetc)
8. Looking for job! (Need intro!)
9. Not going back for alumni <-- LOL
10. Sun tanning
11. ECP @ somewhere mid december? (IZRA PLANNING. hahaha)
12. Uo6 outing? (please?)
13. Clean my room! (piles of worksheets and textbooks and notes lying around!)
14. Paint my room! (I want red, black and white!)
15. Change a new fan
16. Print photos out
17. Reorganise my photo album
18. Get a new phone (okay this is desperate.)
19. Go jogging! *points to myself and laugh*
20. Baked rice with Gek?
21. Diet! (I've been llike talking about this for years, but I'm so gonna make it true this time round! Hopefully :B )
22. Let my hair grow longerrrr (don't cut!)
23. Make reading a hobby (Let's say..1 book/week?)
24. Try to grow a teeny weeny bit taller! (um. 1cm?)
25. [to be continued] *i can see you roll your eyes alrd!*

Okay, for prom I need to get:
- Dress
- The mask thingy
- Heels
- Some foundation stuffs
Spree with me, POH!

and yay,
5 more days to fun!!! :D

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